What is the connection between copyright and standards?

Standards are documents developed in technical committees (TC) at the initiative of stakeholders and under the responsibility of the national standardization body that publishes them. They reflect the experience and knowledge of those involved in the development and incorporate the intellectual contribution of each. Therefore, standards are creations – in the form of scientific documentation – protected by copyright from the project phase.

According to article 16, paragraph 2 of Law no. 20 of 04.03.2016 on national standardization, the right to publish (edit) and disseminate Moldovan standards belongs to the national standardization body (NSB). At the same time, according to art. 5, para. 2 the Institute for Standardization of Moldova is designated as NSB.

Any full or partial reproduction, multiplication by any process and dissemination of the standards or content of other ISM publications, as well as the translation or creation of a derivative work, fall under the legislation that protects copyright.

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