The Institute for Standardization of Moldova successfully organized the round table with the theme “Requirements regarding the production and placing on the market of domestic wine products. Promotion on new markets”, a brand event that brought together leading experts and leaders from the wine industry, in order to discuss and promote quality standards and innovation in the sector.

The event was opened by Andrian Bunduc, Director of ISM, who emphasized the importance of standardization as a foundation for a sustainable and competitive business on the international market. “Through standardization, we ensure that the Moldovan wine industry is recognized for its quality and innovation, facilitating the access of our producers to new markets”, said Bunduc in his welcome speech.

Natalia Granatîri, Head of the Standardization Department of ISM, specified the crucial role of standards in ensuring a sustainable business. His presentation, “Standards secure solutions for a sustainable business”, highlighted how standardization contributes to improving the quality of wine products and increasing consumer confidence.

The representatives of I.P. “Central Laboratory for Testing Alcoholic/Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Preserved Products” (LCTBANPC), Lucia Gherdelescu and Emilia Gnatiuc, emphasized the importance of product evaluation and certification in ensuring compliance with national and international standards, thus strengthening the position of Moldovan wines on the market.

Natalia Mogol, Deputy General Director of the State Agency for Intellectual Property (AGEPI), spoke about “Valorization of Intellectual Property in the Wine Industry: Protecting, Promoting Identity and Quality”. This emphasized the importance of intellectual property protection for creating and maintaining a strong brand image in the global market.

In conclusion, Ștefan Iamandî, Director of I.P. The “National Office of Vine and Wine” (ONVV), presented the evolution and success of the “Wine of Moldova” initiative over the last 10 years, highlighting the revolution and significant progress of the Moldovan wine industry during this period.

At the end of the event, ISM Director Andrian Bunduc cordially thanked all the participants for their involvement and special contribution to the round table organized by the Institute for Standardization of Moldova. “Our meeting represented an essential platform for dialogue and exchange of knowledge, contributing to the advancement and promotion of the Moldovan wine industry on international markets. Thank you once again for your active participation and for sharing your valuable expertise and knowledge”, reiterated Andrian Bunduc.

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