The National Transport Auto Agency (ANTA) announced the completion of the first stage of implementation of the international anti-bribery standard ISO 37001, during an event supported by the Institute for Standardization of Moldova (ISM) and the USAID Program for Institutional and Structural Reforms in Moldova (MISRA).

During this event, ANTA’s management and employees received the first certificates for compliance with the rigors of the international anti-bribery standard ISO 37001, with the title of “Internal Auditor in Anti-Bribery Management Systems”. These certifications are essential for reducing the risk of corruption and increasing partners’ trust in ANTA’s management system.

The interim director of ISM, Andrian Bunduc, emphasized the importance of this moment, emphasizing that ANTA is the first control authority in Moldova certified according to the requirements of the anti-bribery standard ISO 37001. “Institutions with control functions are the most vulnerable to corruption. The implementation of this standard will help to detect and fight corruption, strengthening institutional integrity and promoting a competitive and fair business environment”, said Bunduc.

Radu Vrabie, the deputy director of the USAID Institutional and Structural Reforms Program in Moldova (MISRA), appreciated ANTA’s efforts, noting that this stage is crucial for strengthening ANTA’s control capabilities and promoting transparent and ethical work practices. “By aligning with the best European practices, ANTA strengthens the trust of the population and serves as a model for other public authorities in Moldova,” added Vrabie.

The director of ANTA, Vasile Chetrușca, highlighted the importance of implementing the international anti-bribery standard and thanked USAID for the support provided. “Our priority is to provide quality road transport services. The implementation of the anti-bribery standard will increase the confidence of citizens and external partners in the services offered by ANTA. The adoption of this standard is done in compliance with the legal requirements, integrity and transparency, the essential pillars of a healthy society”, emphasized Chetrușca.

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